Join me as I set up two new tanks (a 30 and a 40 gallon) to grow Spirulina, including discussion of the recipe medium, which is the secret sauce of farming this superfood algae. See the complete medium recipe at !

In this, part two, we use green tea as a chelating agent to chelate iron from iron sulphate. I also tease a bit the idea of using a compost heater to maintain temperature in a Spirulina tank. It’d take a ton of tinkering, but beats using 2x150W heaters 24/7!

And see also Part One: for all medium ingredients and tank setup for farming Spirulina:

And Part Two: Chelating Iron for the medium:

The iron sulphate elixir, which I might not use again if I can find PURE iron sulphate without sugar and coloring in it, is here.

Finally, a peek at the tanks after one week, when it’s time to turn on the lights:

YOU CAN DO THIS AT HOME! –And you should, to produce clean food for your family. It’s that or watch as the food prices continue to increase, and ultimately, the shelves empty completely.

Start taking daily steps NOW towards radical self-sufficiency so that you can thrive in the current Grand Solar Minimum / Little Ice Age.
